The Malheur Enterprise provides professional reporting on matters of importance to the 33,000 residents of Malheur County, holding a national reputation for its enterprise and investigative reporting. The team at the Enterprise remembers always that its primary duty is to the people of the community, not powerful political figures or special interests. We deliver the news on our website, via emailed newsletters, our weekly print publication and social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Reaching us
Office address: 293 Washington St. W., Vale OR 97918
Mailing address: PO Box 310, Vale OR 97918
Phone: 541-473-3377
Email: [email protected]
Reaching our staff
Publisher and editor: Les Zaitz, [email protected]
Business manager: Howard Benson, [email protected]
Advertising sales: Rose Zueger, [email protected]
Office manager: Katelynn Millan, [email protected]
Reporter Pat Caldwell: [email protected]
Reporter Steven Mitchell: [email protected]
Our history
The Enterprise was founded in Vale in 1909 with B.M. Stone as manager and J.J. McGrath as editor. Major L.H. French, a mining promoter, provided the financial backing. “The principal reason for the existence of the Malheur Enterprise is the furtherance of the interests of this city, this county and the whole portion of the great state of Oregon,” the founders said in their first edition. The Enterprise has always been independently owned and has operated from Vale but reports on all of Malheur County. The newspaper was acquired in 2015 by veteran Oregon journalists Les Zaitz and Scotta Callister under their corporation, Wheatland Publishing Corp. Since then, the Enterprise has established a robust website and active social media accounts. The newspaper has been honored at the state, regional and national levels for journalistic excellence. Its highly-regarded summer internship program has drawn young journalists from the University of Oregon, Arizona State University, University of Southern California, UNC-Chapel Hill and Oklahoma University.